Saturday, August 15, 2009

It Doesn't Suprise Me

Today was a decent day. I got up in time to have Lunch with Dave. We went and got a Jamba Juice, then came home. Just as Dave's lunch was up, Marsh, Emily, and Tucker came over for "Brunch". Mom fixed French Toast, and it was only Marsh, Emily and me.

While we ate, Dad played with Tucker and swung him. He had to quit after a short time because he was quite winded. The reason behind it is he and Marsh went Fishing yesterday. Somehow he fell, got stabbed by a stick, and really did a number on himself.

Today, after he met with his siblings (except for Marae) he decided it was time to go to the ER because he was having a hard time breathing. Mom called and let us know that was where they were, and we decided we'd go hang out up there for a bit to see what the verdict was. Basically Dad got the crap beat out of him, by Mother Nature. From what Heather told me, they gave him good drugs and sent him home. He's got a nice scratch on his belly accompanied by a bruise though.

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