Thursday, April 9, 2009

Working Miracles

Ok, so y'all know that we've got more dogs than what we care to have. We've had to keep Dante and Tika separate because Tika and Karma don't get along. Since she started obedience training, Karma has been more mellow around the other dogs, including Tika the few times they've crossed paths. Today, being unable to fight my curiosity any longer, I let Karma and Tika meet in the livingroom without any other dogs around.
Normally when you introduce dogs, they're in a controlled environment with both being on leashes, the most control this had was they had humans in the room with Shake cans. Everything went fine, they tried to play with each other, then I got even more brave, and let them in the back yard with Dante and Gus. One by one, I let the other dogs out with them until I got down to Nellie. Nellie didn't want to go outside, so I didn't make her. Tika and Karma played HARD with each other for a good hour or so, and even longer once I brought all the other dogs in. Here's what I captured while they were playing.

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