Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Good but BUSY Day

I got up surprisingly early this morning, 7:30 and didn't go back to bed or take a nap. Last night Dave and I did the Wii Active, and it KICKED MY BUTT. I tried the easiest mode they had and when I got to the squats, I was beat. Anyway, I got up, showered, and then went to Wal-Mart with Mom to get stuff for BUNCO. When we got home, it was time to take Tucker to his appointment. We got there, the doc looked him over, he got his shots and then after eating, he came home.
When I got back, I thought I'd take Merlyn in to have them look at his neck and see how it was doing. He got an OK to go camping with us this weekend, still needs a warm compress on it, and then we're supposed to bring him back when we get home from camping. When I got back from the Vet, Whitney colored my hair, you can check it out at I think I'm really liking the color, Dave LOVES it, your opinions are welcome.
Tonight I made the infamous Kitty Litter Cake. The recipe I have is vague, so it turned out different than what it was supposed to be, but it went over surprising well. The first comments were "Oh, thats awesome". Stuart said it, and was totally excited to eat it. Everyone else thought it looked gross, but after they got past that first "shock" of seeing it, they all loved it and Marsh went as far as playing with the "poop" as he ate. This recipe is definately a keeper.


Chrystal said...

how do you like the Wii Active? I saw the commercial for it the other night. Too bad Christmas is so far away. :)

Jester said...

I like it though by body still hurts from that 1 time I used it. I like it a lot better than the Wii Fit, it's more intense, the only issue I have is the squats it makes you do.