Friday, June 12, 2009

Anniversary Day 1

We spent last night at a cabin that Emily's family let us use. We were allowed to stay there all weekend, but changed our mind and came home early, though things aren't over for us yet.

When we first got there, these flowers were our welcoming. They were EVERYWHERE we turned, and it was a really nice change to have. Though we didn't stay as long as we'd have preferred, it was a reminder at how much I love the outdoors, and how we all get too caught up in Technology, how much we really do depend on it. It was nice to just stop, and take a breather to reflect on and enjoy the most simple things in life. The short time we spent up there was fantastic. We didn't mind having to clean things up a little bit, and the cabin was quite cozy. The view was worth it all though. It reminded me of the simple things in life. I always feel closer to the lord in the mountains, I feel the spirit better without the distractions of other people, and it takes away my anxieties of life. I'm sure if the rain wasn't so frequent, we'd have stayed longer, but really, it was worth it to just spend a day there, enjoying the beauty the Lord has to offer. I'm off to see what Day 2 of our Anniversary Weekend has to offer us, I'll keep you posted.......

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