Thursday, November 5, 2009


Ok, so this photo was taken last year, but it is a photo about my subject on this entry, so Oh well. Anyway, since it's a month away, I thought I would share a little thought about Christmas. A few weeks ago, I was asked if we should draw names as a family, cutting back on expenses on having to buy for everyone.

I didn't respond right away, gave it some serious thought then after about a week, I told this person that I THOUGHT it'd be better for everyone to get each other gifts, even if it's "Family" gifts, rather than drawing names. I told them that it seemed more fair in the sense that those who couldn't be there to draw names didn't have somebody else do it for them and nobody would be left out or overlooked. I also pointed out that you didn't have to spend a lot for "Family" gifts, that it worked pretty good for Dave and I over the years. Though at times it seems a bit lame or Korny with what we put in these baskets, but they've got a LOT of thought put into them, and it gives people a taste of the heart put into the gifts.

This year I've focused on what to get Dave's family, and though I've drawn a blank for the adults, the kids are pretty well covered. I am quite stoked and hope they like the ideas that I have for them. Each child gets a home made hat and scarf in their gift, then a few other odds and ends sealed with LOTS of hugs and kisses. Knowing that money is tight for ALL family members, I would be quite content with a few cases of Mountain Dew LIVEWIRE as I can't get it in Pocatello, or any CD by Andrea Bochelli or Luciano Pavaratti. Yeah, I went there, I like those two, I've also got a christmas list that is being sent to everyone, and for "Family " gifts for Dave and I, there are TV Series I've got on my list we BOTH would LOVE to have in our posession.

I just ask everyone to remember that Christmas isn't about receiving, it is so much more than that, and the world seems to forget the true meaning. Lets all take the time to think about the true meaning of Christmas, and have a happy holiday season!


DAN said...


Jessica said...

What's interesting, please, do explain.

DAN said...

It was Halloween a few days ago.

Jester said...

yeah, so. That doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about Christmas for a while.

Chrystal said...

it's actually not about giving or receiving. it's about the Savior.