Monday, August 24, 2009

True Redneck

I went to Blackfoot today to visit Sara and teach her a little more crocheting. When I got there, we went and grabbed a bite to eat, and she pointed this out to me. I thought it was so hilarious, I had to stop on my way home and take a picture to share with you.
She'd explained to me that it cracks her up every time she sees it, and has even seen people grilling on it. She calls it the "Redneck Deck". Can you guess why she would name it that??? Yes, this is the true side of BLACKFOOT, IDAHO.

I know that at first glance it's just a stack of pallets, but if you take a closer look, you'll see chairs on them, sadly, I know people who'd do something like this.(NO, it's NOT me.)

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