Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Long Needed "ME" Time......

Today I went to Sara's house, it was the first time in 4 years that I've been there, I'm pretty ashamed of that, but we're working on it being more frequent. Anyway, she wanted to learn how to Crochet, and though I am not so good at it myself, I said I'd teach her what I know. I got to her house around 12-12:30 and we got started. We sat there, and I made her practice making chains until she felt they were good enough, then she learned a few stitches.
We talked, worked on stitches, talked and just had some good quality time together. Right around 2 she had to take William, her son, to the school to meet his teacher. She had asked me to stay and watch Hannah for her, and while she was gone, I tried teaching Hannah how to Crochet upon her request. It wasn't a very good lesson, and we both decided she needed to wait until she was a little older. I didn't leave their house until almost 5.
On the drive back, I got to thinking about all the fun times Sara and I had. I realized that though there was a 9yr. break, she's been my oldest friend. We're at least on our 19th year of being friends, and I think she could be the "Patty" I've longed for. She's more than a friend, she's a sister and I love her dearly. We have decided to use all our yarn scraps and make friendship quilts, throws, whatever you want to call them. I am also going to try to make a trip to her house every Tuesday.

1 comment:

fivelive said...

I'm glad to hear that you two got together say hi to her for me.